Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Orange you glad?
Orange you glad I'm posting this?
I had to look twice to be sure this was what I thought it was. Yes, you guessed it. They are rice crispy treats with a little orange food coloring and imagination added!
Click the link below to see the final version which has a face!
LINK: Click HERE for the recipe and instructions for assembling this tasty treat!
Monday, September 29, 2014
A-CORNS (not Eggs)
Don't you love it when you see something that was originally one thing ... and then one day ... a very smart person (probably a woman) said, "Hey, let's try this!"
What a cute idea and you can go ahead use those eggs you already have ... 'cause you know where you can get more next year!
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Thankful Tree
It can never be said enough -
"Thank You!"
What a big way to remind one another what and who we are thankful for. Let everyone in the family join in. Are you having friends over? Include them, too. Just have a few extra leaves handy. You might find someone is thankful for You!
Find out how to make the Thankful Tree HERE
"Thank You!"
What a big way to remind one another what and who we are thankful for. Let everyone in the family join in. Are you having friends over? Include them, too. Just have a few extra leaves handy. You might find someone is thankful for You!
Find out how to make the Thankful Tree HERE
I'm Fallin' for Turkeys
With a little bit of cooler weather AND having seen some wild turkeys not far from my house, I'm getting in the mood for FALL!
Fall is my favorite time of year and I start crafting again. Indoor days can be filled with fun things to do, too.
This is certainly an easy craft and a few of them on a Thanksgiving table would be fun! HERE is the link to the site with directions.
Friday, August 15, 2014
Colorful, Easy, & Fun
This mom certainly put her creativity to work in a big way. At a time when time is like gold, she was able to make a big impact with little investment but a big "wow"!
If your child is old enough to help, either picking out the colored papers or even cutting out the circles ...
all the better!
Friday, March 28, 2014
My Favorite Bunny!
Awwww! I was so happy when I saw this Bunny Cake come
up on Pinterest. Yes ... she's/he's cute, yes ... I like coconut, and yes ... it's easy!
But that's not why I'm happy.
I'm happy because this brings back many memories of Easters
past when my Mom made a cake like this for our family,
AND for the memories, too, of when I made this very same kind of
cake for my own children and our Easter get-togethers.
Some things never go out of style or get old ...
they just get better because they touch a soft spot in our hearts.
Two simple, strategic cuts on a round cake will instantly transform your cake
layers into a Bunny ... and with a bow tie, if you like!
Friday, March 21, 2014
Faux Flower Wreath
You have to admit it. The things you can do with paper punches these days!
Even if you have a limited supply of punches, you can easily cut any size paper flower you would like ... just with a pair of scissors. These are beautiful, but one of the reasons they capture our eye so much is because of the layering. Look carefully. Each flower has at least two layers and the colors, patterns, and sizes vary. So get out the scrapbook papers (this is a good time to use up those leftover pieces), cut a whole variety of shapes and sizes and then glue them onto a base. What to use for a base? A simple styrofoam base would work well.
Here's an little extra idea ...
Use the flowers you cut and glue them around the upper
and/or lower edge of an inexpensive lamp shade. What if you don't happen to have an extra lampshade lying around? Cut a strip of poster board about 1 1/2" wide and as long as it takes to go around the shade, plus at least an inch to overlap & glue (or staple) to itself to make a circle. It needs to fit a little snug and it's best to use a shade that flares out at the lower edge. Glue your flowers to that strip (not the shade) and then slip the strip of flowers onto the shade. When you want to change back to your original shade ... you can!
Just slip the flower strip off the shade.
p.s. - You could just glue the edges of the flowers together and on top of each other to make something like a lei ... then slip it onto your shade at the top.
NOTE: Because these are made of paper, they are not
recommended for outdoor use ... unless you want wilted flowers!
Picture from Pinterest ... HelloLucky.com
Every Bunny Loves Easter!
Me ... a bunny?
Sure, why not? With a few simple supplies, you, too, can be a bunny! What a great photo-op for your kids, your family or group. Let everyone make their own and you can have a whole bunch, or a herd, or what ever you call a group of bunnies.
Here's a suggestion and it won't take much time. Instead of leaving the popsicle stick bare ... why not cut a carrot shape from orange construction paper (or color it orange), then glue it to the stick with the pointy end up. Add a couple of green leaf shapes to the bottom and when the "mask" is held, it will look like you are holding a carrot!
Sure, why not? With a few simple supplies, you, too, can be a bunny! What a great photo-op for your kids, your family or group. Let everyone make their own and you can have a whole bunch, or a herd, or what ever you call a group of bunnies.
Here's a suggestion and it won't take much time. Instead of leaving the popsicle stick bare ... why not cut a carrot shape from orange construction paper (or color it orange), then glue it to the stick with the pointy end up. Add a couple of green leaf shapes to the bottom and when the "mask" is held, it will look like you are holding a carrot!
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Some Bunny Loves You!
Every child, no matter the age, can do this craft and the younger ones will
find it pretty amazing that the end product is a BUNNY!
(So simple it amazes me, too!)
The instructions are right here on the pink hand and
you get a feeling for the face and ears. Each one will be unique.
I think this is simply fun & simply sweet!
Say Cheeeee-tos
It doesn't get much easier than this! Everyone knows what Cheetos are ... and they are everywhere. The cone shaped wrapper for these are made by Wilton and they are for "piping" icing on cakes. These, too, are available at most of the big craft stores. You can fill them a little - or a lot - then tie them off with some curly package ribbon. Ric-Rac was used here but you will get a very cute effect with the inexpensive ribbon, too.
Wouldn't these be great in someone's lunch bag?
Fun Dough
Homemade play dough isn't new on the scene ... but making it look like a carrot is!
It's really nice to see that there are still folks out there who see the value in moving away from chocolate and sweets. Don't get me wrong ... I like a chocolate marshmallow Easter Egg as much as the next person ... but this looks like a fun afternoon activity to me!
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
An Egg~ceptional . . .
Several sites have the directions for making the Resurrection Eggs, but in case you would like to make these and you don't have directions yet ...
here they are.
Directions & supplies for the Resurrection Eggs are right HERE!
Care for a Carrot?
Simple sewing projects are actually quite fun to do with kids. So many moms don't sew anymore so it's kind of special to actually make something by sewing it. If for some reason you just don't want to sew, you can always glue the sides to make the tube, then gather at the top. No decorative fabric ribbon you say? Well, how about some curly package ribbon?
These are quite cute in orange, but if you want to have carrots that coordinate with your home's color scheme ... then go for it! Directions? Here!
These are quite cute in orange, but if you want to have carrots that coordinate with your home's color scheme ... then go for it! Directions? Here!
You provide the bunny!
Friday, March 14, 2014
Rainbow Pasta Beads
"Now why didn't I think of this?" Goodness only knows how many times I've said that! This is one of those "win - win - win" crafts. First you win because the pasta is very inexpensive, second you win because you have an easy project (coloring the pasta), and thirdly, you have an easy craft when you string these! For starters, you could make a necklace or a bracelet. But I'm sure there are other options, too, if you will let your own imagina- tion go. For easy, sturdy thread, try using dental floss. (I seem to always have a lot on hand!) Then, if you want to use something to guide the thread through the holes, use that dental thing ... you know - the one that looks like a needle but it isn't - it's made of plastic but has a big eye! Oh well, I hope you know what I'm talking about .. I'm sure I'll think of it about about 3 a.m. tomorrow morning! Below is the link for dying the pasta.
Spring Has Sprung!
What a great way to celebrate the arrival of Spring ...
and for Christians, the Butterfly is also symbolic of the resurrection!
You can not only have the fun of making these beautiful decorations, but think of all the places you could use them! Like ..... attaching a sturdy wire between the wings & onto the body and pushing the end into a flower pot filled with flowers. Or .... tie fishing line onto the body (perhaps just in front of the big wings) and hang them from the ceiling, or off of a drapery rod! If you position the fishing line on the body just right, they will look like they're flying and not just hanging.
Really ... you are limited only by your own imagination.
This looks like it could be the beginning of a very pretty Mother's Day bouquet!
Why is a butterfly a Christian symbol? Because it represents "new life".
‘This means that anyone who belongs to Christ
has become a new person.
The old life is gone; a new life has begun!’
2 Corinthians 5:17 NLT
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Chalk this one up!
You know me ... I like simple. But simple with color, too! That's a "Wow"! I don't have many St. Patrick's Day decorating items and you may not either, but this is an eye-catcher and who knows, you may already have a lot of the supplies.
HERE is the link from BH&G to get you started!
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Monday, March 3, 2014
Plant in a cone?
What is green and grows in an ice cream cone?
Hello! Haven't you ever seen plants growing like this before?
Well .... I hadn't until I found this. It is sheer GENIUS!
The hardest part, though? Not putting ice cream in the cone!
You can probably figure out what to do here ... but here's the link just in case.
Over the Rainbow
This is such an easy project you can make it yourself or make it together.
The directions are provided HERE.
Thursday, February 6, 2014
BINGO ... will you be mine-o?
What a great update on a game that has been around forever! So much fun and a colorful rendition for a timeless, easy and fun game for the whole family.
Heart String
So ... you don't really have time to hop in the car and go buy scrapbook papers for a very decorative heart banner! No problem!! Just click on the link below for a free printable. You or that special "little one(s)" in your life can cut these out and string them along a piece of yarn or ribbon ... and if all else fails ...
how about some string?
You have several choices for attaching them: 1. You can use decorative paper clips (or plain!), 2. You can punch a couple of holes side by side and string them along, or 3. You could punch a hole and use a length of ribbon, string or yarn to
tie them on with a pretty bow!
The only thing left to do? Find the perfect place to put your Heart String!
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Love Notes
I pulled this off of Pinterest but I couldn't really find the site to give credit where credit was due, but I wanted to pass it along all the same.
There aren't enough days in the year where we could write a positive or loving sentiment to those we care about most. There also aren't many things in the world that help to bring out the "good" in others better than
acknowledging how special they are to you.
Yes, there may be times when it's hard to come up with something ... but more likely than not ... given a little effort on your part ... you will think of something.
If the first of February has already passed (and it has if you look at this post date), you can at least start 7 days out from Valentines. That might be more reasonable, too, if you have more than one person to give these "love notes" to!
No Sew Pillow
What is cuddly, cute, soft and lovable but doesn't require you to feed it,
have a litter box, or a doggie door?
have a litter box, or a doggie door?
Well ... it's not a pet! I've fallen in love with this no sew heart pillow!!! Go on ... you know you want to make one. Click on the instruction link to find out how.
Saturday, January 25, 2014
A Love Note A Day!

On the surface this heart chain may seem like it's not much to give someone for Valentines. But what if on one side of each strip, you wrote what you like (or love) about the recipient? Now that's pretty "sweet" if you ask me.
How about cutting 7 strips - enough to open one up each day for a week. Write your sentiment and then, when you fold the strip, make sure your compliment is on the inside surface. Then, at a special time each day (maybe breakfast to start the day off right), your "sweet" person can release a heart from the chain and read what you have written! A "love-ly" way to start a day!
I "Chews" You!
So many are making it so easy on us with these great "bag of treats" ideas for just about every occasion. No doubt about it ... chocolate is always a favorite but I love the color that goes along with this choice of candy. You can control how much candy goes in if you don't want to go over-board! Presentation is a big deal here. A free printable is included in the instructions. Check out the link below!
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Love You Bunches!
Punches have certainly made crafting easy and fun ...
and in this case a "bouquet of fun".
This is a perfect gift on so many levels. First, it makes me want to smile - the colors are cheerful and happy. Secondly, it's a great way to use up small pieces of card stock. Third, "hello"!!! You can eat the candy! Yum! and Fourth, it's obviously easy. What a perfect gift for a teacher, mother or grandmother ... or just about anybody for that matter. You can use this same idea at Mother's Day and fill the jar with the recipient's favorite candy, too! Just in case you're wondering ... I like M&M's! Pastels would be pretty!
My Heart to Yours
Easy to do and colorful, too!
I say it's always fun to make a lasting impression by including a little sweet treat with a Valentine's card. The hardest part of this project might be trying to keep from eating the embellishments! Mmmmm ... I love Crunch candies. <3 <3 <3
Saturday, January 18, 2014
I'm Bananas 4 You!
"I'm bananas 4 you!"
Such a catchy and sweet sentiment for this really cute Valentines card.
Simple shapes, easy cutting, some artistic touches, folding, and gluing ...
I think every aspect of creativity is addressed here!
This is exactly what I like to see ... simplicity taken into the 3-D art realm!
A must for any refrigerator door or framed (without glass insert) and
proudly displayed on a desk top easel or wall for the world to see.
No monkey business here! This is a winner!
Have a "Beary" good day!
Getting out of bed some mornings seems like a real chore.
But how "beary" nice would it be if you were to meet up with something that could make you smile AND get your day off to a healthy start?
Who doesn't love bears or peanut butter, bananas and a sprinkling of raisins?
And ... what other creations are out there waiting to be discovered?
A little imagination
+ a few edible ingredients
= a nice way to start a day!
p.s. - A "Beary" good afternoon snack, too!
Sunday, January 5, 2014
New Beginnings
Christmas has come and gone. The old year has past and
a new one has us thinking of "new beginnings". There are several uses for celery, besides eating, that is. One is to cut it off (see below) and use it to dip the cut end into a little acrylic paint and stamp with it. But here is an alternative, and it will help to provide some longer observation time and not so much "instant gratification" which has, much to our dismay, become such a significant part of our lives.
Click on the link below to have a Winter project that will, with any luck, have your kiddos coming back to see what mystery unfolds from the simplicity of the end of a celery stalk!
Yes, the lesson here is that even when we think something should be discarded or just cast aside ... with a little tender love and care, it is possible to have a "new beginning" sprout right before our eyes! This is one of those life lessons that can't be stressed enough.
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